Thursday, April 15, 2010

Guest Blog 8: R. Scott McCoy With "Going To Print"

Louise Bohmer is a highly talented writer and editor. I was honored to be her guest blogger for April. Please check out the post.

Guest Blog 8: R. Scott McCoy With "Going To Print"

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  1. Hi Scott, I can't comment on Louise's blog because non-friend posting is disabled, so I'll post it here... (Note to self, friend Louise on LJ)

    Fascinating post, Scott. I must admit that alhough I love to see my stories in print magazines, I like electronic magazines such as Fantasy, Clarkesworld etc because I suspect that free content gets more readers. It's a question of balance. I like to have an even mix of print and online stuff in my bio.

    Oh, and Amazon informed me yesterday that 'Feast' is on the way... Can't wait to read it.

  2. Thanks, Cate. Opinions do vary, but I agree with you on balance. There are so many non paying or very low paying online markets that it's easy to forget about the few Pro Pay ones. I would love to get on Clarkesworld. Let me know what you think of Feast. It's my firstlong work, so I can take it :)
